There may still be snow on the ground, and more forecast for this weekend, but I'm thinking spring! My fingers are itching to start clearing the debris of winter, and loosening the soil for planting, but since it'll be another 6 to 8 weeks before I can plant the early spring seeds outside, I'll have to settle for some indoor gardening.
I am planning a wonderful evening this weekend. While the snow flies outside, I'll be cozy inside with my Irish coffee, seed catalogs, graph paper, and lists, and the seeds I saved or harvested last season. Thumbing through catalogs, and making lists of what to start indoors, and what gets planted directly in the ground and when might not be everyone's idea of a good time, but to me it's exciting.
It's a good time to review last year's garden, and make decisions about what I want this season. What grew well, and what struggled? Which veggies need to be planted in a new area, and which may not be the best use of my space in the future? Are there some new plants I want to try to grow this year, or some new techniques?
I've been busy pinning ideas for the garden all winter on Pinterest, so these next few weeks are a good time to review those, and decide what is doable this upcoming gardening season. Which of the cool ideas can I incorporate without having to spend much money? I prefer to recycle and upcycle rather than spend money from my gardening budget on new ideas. Follow me on Pinterest ( Mary Howard or marykate978) and we can share ideas.
If you are new to Backyard Growers don't worry about planning, or seeds at this point, Lara and the volunteers will walk you through it step by step, and are even starting seeds, so you will have beautiful, healthy seedlings when it's time to plant.
I'm looking forward to reading everyone's gardening stories this season. If you aren't already signed up to be a contributor on this blog, contact me and I'll hook you up.
Happy gardening.