Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Gardens in Spring

 Thought I'd take a minute this morning while I was out enjoying the wonderful weather to photograph the gardens as they are now.  Each year I try to photograph them about once a month to see the progress (or lack thereof), and thought it would be fun to share.  As you can see the early spring flowers are beginning to show themselves, so I really need to spend more time tidying the beds for them.

Mary Garden
The Mary Garden is always the first to Bloom.  Vito's mother had this garden created to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary, and I take my responsibility to carry on her tradition quite seriously.  In the past few years we've added more perennials to the Mary Garden, and have worked to ensure that from spring through fall, we will have flowers in bloom.  the crocus' have just past, but as you can see, the daffodils are gorgeous!  Normally there is a creeping rose behind Our Lady, but I had to cut it back dramatically today, so I can put up a new trellis, dig up one of the roses that really isn't placed properly, and train it to surround BVM without getting too overgrown to where it attacks as you enter the driveway or come up the stairs.

Fairy Garden
The Fairy Garden is one of my favorite spots in the yard.  It is mostly shady during the height of the summer, and as someone who can't spend much time in the sun, it's a welcome spot for me to sit, meditate, and relax.  There are plenty of lovely plants and nooks for fairies to play and work.  I rake some of the leaves and remove the debris in the spring, but for the most part that garden is left to nature.  Most fairies love sweets, and ours are no different.  They leave beautiful gems for Sophia to collect because she is generous sharing her fruit snacks and treats with the fairies.  There are lots of different shade tolerant plants that bloom in this garden throughout the season.  Again, crocus' just past, but we can see the Lily of the Valley popping through.

A small portion of The Turtle Garden                 More of the Turtle Garden

You can't really see any of the turtles in the Turtle Garden from these shots, well you can't really see much of anything in the Turtle Garden right now.  The Hosta are just poking their heads out of the mulch, and the Sedum is just starting to show itself too.  We also grow a variety of mints in this garden, and this year I'm going to try to grow lettuce in there as well.  It is called the Turtle Garden, because if you look hard enough you can find a dozen or so turtles in a variety of poses hiding throughout this garden in the summer.  You will need to look under leaves and in crevices in the wall to find them all, but it can be a fun game with kids on a summer evening.

You have probably guessed by now that we like naming our gardens.  Okay, I like naming our gardens, but everyone seems to go along with me, and it sure helps when directing someone to locate something in the yard. 

Mother of Grace Garden                                             My Original BYG Bed

 The Mother of Grace Garden on the left got its name because it is directly behind, you guessed it, the Mother of Grace Club.   It had been overgrown with weeds for years, but last year the neighbors and I decided it needed some sprucing up.  You can see the day lilies and tulips starting to grow, and even a bit more sedum in the corner.  On the right is my original Back Yard Growers raised bed, and behind that are a couple of smaller beds that now have strawberries and blueberries respectively.  

That first bed from the BYG was so amazing that Vito created a nice big plot for me behind the pool last year.  As you can see from the photo below, that is in some desperate need for attention, but since I won't be planting there until mid May,  it's on the list.  That plot is where my Three Sisters Garden will be planted this year.

Veggie Plot created last year                                                 The "Lost" Garden
And finally, here is a shot of the "Lost" Garden.  You can see my other neighbor's brand new BYG raised bed there.  This is the spot I'll be making my dry river bed.  It's coming along! 
As you can see, there is always lots to do in the yard, and I love every minute of it!   Can you believe we can fit all of these lovely little spots in our down town back yard?  The Backyard Growers Program is teaching me so much, including how to utilize spaces I never thought possible!

Happy Gardening!


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